Pós-graduação e MBA's

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Amplas possibilidades de qualificação em várias áreas por meio de cursos de especialização
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Pilares educacionais.



(Conhecimento científico)

(Educação de excelência)

(Há 14 anos melhor Think Tank das américas)

Sua empresa pode ser uma das instituições parceiras do Grupo IESLA.

Se você, assim como nós, acredita que o conhecimento transforma vidas e melhora os resultados, então ofereça aos seus colaboradores os benefícios da parceria IESLA: são mais de 150 opções de cursos para seus funcionários escolherem, todos com descontos.

+ 0

alunos graduados


Universidades conveniadas por todo mundo


Veja o que dizem os alunos do IESLA.

"My name is Antonio Bambi. I'm Angolan and I'm studying Business and Social Sciences at UCES. A leading university in Argentina and the world. I'm in the first module of my doctorate and I'm happy to be here. I would like to thank UCES and IESLA."

Antonio Bambi Doutorando em Ciências Empresariais e Sociais

"Sempre encontro meu curso favorito na faculdade IESLA, já estou de olho no próximo, até porque a proposta da faculdade compreende desde a Graduação passando pela oferta da especialização Lato Sensu (acadêmica ou profissional), Mestrado e Doutorado."

Rafaela Fernandes Pós-graduanda em Neurociências e Educação

"Quero agradecer a toda a equipe IESLA, juntamente com a editora Edições Superiores, bem como à UDE, por favorecerem minha caminhada na vida acadêmica. Sinto-me orgulhosa por perceber meu amadurecimento e crescimento profissional por meio dessas instituições."

Simone de Fátima Ferreira Sá Mestranda em Direito das Relações Internacionais e da Integração da América Latina.

"I'm impressed by the level of the teachers' curricula, the welcome and the relevance of the approaches. It has been a profound experience of self-knowledge and a fantastic cultural immersion that this exchange has provided."

Marilyn Gonzalez Intercâmbio Internacional

"Do you want to get out of the rut, give new meaning to your professional life and even personal fulfillment? What are you waiting for? Doctorate in Public Health at UCES in partnership with IESLA in Belo Horizonte. Come and do a master's or doctorate in Buenos Aires and live new experiences!"

Marcio Gleyson Valente de Jesus Doutorando em Saúde Pública

"IESLA is a quality institution that gives students peace of mind in ethical and pedagogical matters. The coordination is represented by Dr. Egzer, with a genuine and ethical welcome that is second to none."

Janise Ricardo Araújo Pedra Doutoranda em Psicologia

Fique por dentro do que acontece no IESLA.

MEC establishes higher education regulation council

News Source: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃOOriginal Publication Date: 10/06/2024Originally Published at: https://www.gov.br/mec/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/2024/junho/mec-institui-conselho-de-regulacao-da-educacao-superior The Ministry of Education (MEC), by means of Ordinance No. 529/2024, has instituted

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Sear Jasube Gouveia (Vice-President)

An educational institution should help nurture the hopes of the world: in solving challenges that cross borders; in unlocking and harnessing new knowledge; in building cultural and political understanding, and in modeling environments that promote dialogue and the debate of ideas.

IESLA believes that people make the place where they live.

Based on the belief and values that gave rise to the creation of IESLA, "that by improving man we improve the nation", IESLA has been offering Brazilians, Angolans and others access to master's and doctoral degrees at the best universities in Argentina, Portugal and the United States, providing a top-level academic experience, as well as a rich cultural exchange. In a format that allows people to reconcile their professional and personal lives with their academic lives. In this way, we address the historical shortage of master's and doctoral degrees offered in Brazil, Angola and other countries.

IESLA is committed to continuing to contribute to people's academic and professional training, which is why it has expanded its range of courses to include distance learning courses, free courses and MBAs, as well as increasing its options for master's degrees, doctorates and post-doctorates in a wide variety of areas of knowledge.

Visit our websites and see what's new!

We at IESLA believe that people make an institution great, so whether you are a prospective student, current student, teacher, researcher, staff member, mother, father, child, friend, or visitor, your interest and enthusiasm are very important, valued and appreciated.
We will always be at your disposal.

Dr. Cilas Rosa (Asset Manager)

Nowadays, many people confuse knowledge with wisdom, but these concepts have different meanings. If we look closely, we can see obvious differences.

Knowledge is information or a notion acquired through study or experience. It can be acquired by someone who has never left the place where they are studying.

The person has dedicated themselves to researching something and has accumulated a great deal of knowledge on a particular subject.
Wisdom or sapience is what the "sage" or "Phronesis" possesses - used by Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics to describe "practical wisdom", or the ability to act in the right way.

Human wisdom would be the ability that helps people to identify their mistakes and those of society and correct them. To be wise you have to live, experience, unravel, evaluate, interact, respect, see and listen to others and to life itself.

In the past, one people always dominated another through war, with thousands of armed soldiers invading territories and enslaving others. Today the invasion hasn't stopped, the desire to dominate hasn't ended. What has changed are the weapons, not invading with armies and wiping everything out.

Now dominance is exercised by those who have the knowledge, who know what to do and how to do it, dominate and have others under their control. Our country has continental proportions, immense natural wealth and wonderful beaches. Yes, we have a potential for growth that perhaps no other country in the world possesses. But what will happen to so much natural wealth if we don't have a people prepared, with the knowledge and wisdom to turn this potential into economic benefits and dividends?

What IESLA offers everyone is both knowledge and wisdom. We provide the best environment for the accumulation of knowledge, coupled with interactivity with people from different cultures and professional backgrounds, propelling each participant in the programs to the next step in their development.

Count on us!

We are ready to offer you what you need for your academic and/or professional training.

Dr. Sara Bernardes (Founder and Dean)

IESLA - Instituto de Educação Superior Latinoamericano has been building a history of commitment and excellence in Brazilian education. Based on a global vision, it has honorably fulfilled its social responsibility for higher education in Brazil, Argentina, Africa, the United States and other Central American countries. Because it understands that human capital is a nation's most precious asset, IESLA has been acclaimed as a benchmark throughout Latin America in the higher education segment at master's, MBA, doctorate and post-doctorate level, taught in the intensive modality.

The Latin American Higher Education Institute proudly invests in improving Brazilian and global education.

IESLA's mission is to train, specialize, qualify and prepare students for personal and professional development through bold pedagogical projects and up-to-date content with a solid scientific, academic or executive and professional base that meets the demands of the market and the expectations of candidates for the chosen programs.

IESLA is an educational institution committed to educational excellence at all levels.

The reason we persist is you.

Enroll in one of our courses.

Did you know that more than 80% of students choose to do their undergraduate or postgraduate studies closer to home? To improve your quality of life, IESLA has settled in the best location in the Northern Vector (Pampulha). Come and see the place where you will spend the next few years of your life studying and enriching your professional training, this is extremely important. That's why IESLA is opening its doors so that its future students can get to know our structure and start a new stage in higher education.
It will be a pleasure to welcome you!